Bitcoin is about to usher in a new bull run

يسعدنا في موقع سواح ميديا ان نقدم لكم اخر وافضل الحلول لأهم واكثر الأسئلة إنتشاراً سواء كانت الأسئلة التعليمية او الاسئلة العامة.
وفي هذا القسم نعرض اجابات لأهم الاسئلة التي تشغل بال القارئ العربي، وفي هذه المقالة سوف نعرض اجابة السؤال Bitcoin is about to usher in a new bull run، ونتمنى ان نكون قدمنا المساعدة اللازمة.
On the 26th of this month (Eastern Time), Bitcoin exceeded $54,000, reaching its highest value since 2023. In a recent report, J.P. Morgan’s Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou identified three key catalysts that could help spark new retail interest: Bitcoin’s halving and Ethereum’s next technical upgrade (both of which J.P. Morgan believes are already reflected in price) and the potential approval of a spot Ethereum ETF.
Simpleminers believes that as retail investors’ interest is stimulated, the prices of various cryptocurrencies rise in response, which will attract more investors to follow up on investment. A new round of rising prices for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Dogecoin, etc. has taken shape, and some large investment institutions have also begun to make arrangements and have entered the market to buy positions for the next wave of market trends.
The market’s response has confirmed that simpleminers’ previous judgment that the spring of making money from mining platforms has arrived is extremely correct. The cloud mining business of simpleminers has also been enthusiastically sought after as the market has risen, and many contracts have been sold out as soon as they were launched.
Investors in simpleminers have said that investment projects like simpleminers cloud mining, which can be entered into with only $100 and have a daily return of up to 3%, may be a blessing that only happens once in hundreds of years, and is good news for cryptocurrency investors! If you also want to get a share of the current cryptocurrency boom but are unable to bear the excessive risks of cryptocurrency investment, then the author strongly recommends Simpleminers’ highyield and highsecurity cloud mining products.
For cloud mining with Simpleminers, you only need to complete three simple steps:
Step①: Create an account at Simpleminers and get a $10 bonus. You only need to fill in the registration form on the official website and set up your email, login account, login password, etc. to complete the registration.
Step②: Choose the contract that’s right for your purchase. Simpleminers provides you with a variety of contracts with different “hash power” amounts. You can invest starting from $100, with daily returns of up to 3%. You can choose any one of these, or purchase multiple different contracts or multiples of the same contract, depending on your needs.
Step③: Pay the required amount to the contract and you can start cloud mining with Simpleminers.
In addition, Simpleminers provides 24hour online services from a team of experts, pays profits daily, and provides customers with mobile APP download services to facilitate users’ contract subscription and redemption operations, ensuring the security and visibility of user funds. Simpleminers does not charge any maintenance fees except for the contract fee, and is a truly lowcost, highyield cloud mining platform.
To know more, you can log on to their official website:
نقدم لكم في سواح ميديا محتوى متنوع من مختلف المصادر العربية على الإنترنت في محاولة منا لإفادة القارئ العربي وتقديم اجابات لجميع الأسئلة والتساؤلات بطريقة سهلة وفعالة.
وفي نهاية المقالة الخاصة بـ Bitcoin is about to usher in a new bull run نتمنى ان نكون قد ساعدناكم في حل تساؤلاتكم، ونتمنى لكم التوفيق جميعاً، ونرجوا ان تقوموا بمشاركة المقال على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي لنشر الإفادة للجميع.